Build strong teams; discover exceptional talent through our solutions.

Our unique value proposition lies in our ability to provide comprehensive sponsorship services to companies interested in hiring foreign skilled and unskilled labor. By partnering with Job America Global Inc., your organization gains access to a diverse pool of exceptional talent, enabling you to fulfill critical employment needs while fostering an inclusive and dynamic workforce.

Types of jobs we offer:

  • sanitation worker throwing the trash

    Sanitation Workers

  • nurse with stethoscope smiling


  • driver opening a truck

    Truck Drivers

  • female retail worker smiling

    Retail Workers

  • food delivery man

    Food Service Workers

  • teacher and child high five


  • it developer using his laptop

    IT Workers

  • two construction worker smiling

    Construction Workers

  • manufacturing worker carrying a box

    Manufacturing Job Workers

Here’s how our partnership can benefit your company:

  1. Comprehensive Workforce Solutions: We collaborate with leading U.S. companies, offering a range of professional networking, interview preparation, and skill-building opportunities to job seekers outside the U.S. By harnessing our partnerships and resources, these individuals enhance their networks and skills, making them highly competitive in the U.S. job market.
  2. Tailored Talent Acquisition: Job America Global Inc. specializes in meticulously matching foreign-trained professionals possessing a wide range of skills, experiences, and knowledge with corporations of all sizes, from top-tier organizations to mid-size and small enterprises across all 50 states in the U.S. Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the most exceptional candidates are presented to you.
  3. Seamless Integration: Regardless of the scale of your team, budgetary considerations, or project timelines, our experienced foreign-trained workers seamlessly assimilate into your organization, meeting your company’s unique skill set requirements. They become valuable assets to your team, contributing to your organizational success.
  4. Access to In-Demand Industries: Job America Global Inc. specializes in recruiting professionals for high-demand sectors such as Sanitation, Nursing, Truck Driving, Retail, Food Services, Education, Information Technology, Construction, and Manufacturing. We excel in finding the right individuals for positions that are challenging to fill with domestic talent, enabling your company to overcome labor shortages effectively.

By partnering with Job America Global Inc., your organization gains a competitive advantage in accessing top-tier talent to fill crucial job vacancies that have proven difficult to attract American workers. Our unparalleled expertise and extensive network ensure that you receive the best-suited candidates for your unique business requirements.

We extend a warm invitation to you to delve deeper into this exclusive partnership opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a meeting or address any inquiries you may have. We look forward to the prospect of a mutually beneficial collaboration!